Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) Treatment in Children

Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) Treatment in Children

Leukaemia, also known as blood cancer, is a disease caused by excessive proliferation of white blood cells in the blood. As a result of the change in the code of the main cells in our bone marrow, which is the main production site of blood in the body, and an increase in immature blood cells called blasts, cells spread rapidly throughout the body and hold the bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver, brain, spleen and central nervous system. The most common type of cancer in childhood is leukaemia, and leukaemia accounts for 35% of childhood cancer cases. In Turkey, 1200 – 1500 cases of leukaemia are encountered under the age of 16 every year. The causes of leukaemia have not yet been fully elucidated. As a result of studies carried out in the light of technological developments, the causes of leukaemia can be listed as follows: exposure to radiation, genetic predispositions, chemicals such as pesticides, some diseases...

Leukaemia is a disease that can be seen at any age. It is more common in childhood. Symptoms of childhood leukaemia include:

Fever (Persistent fever that persists and does not respond to treatment)
Nose and gum bleeding 
Bone pain in legs 
Weight loss 
Bruising on the skin…

As a result of these symptoms, a definitive diagnosis can be made as a result of bone marrow, blood, cell type determination and genetic tests. The treatment process begins by improving the general condition of the patient. It is also very important to keep the morale of the patients high during the treatment process. Because leukaemia patients receive chemotherapy (chemical treatment) treatment, and in addition to the harmful cells in their bodies, beneficial cells are also adversely affected by this treatment. Patients receiving this treatment experience side effects such as hair loss, sores in the mouth and intestines, and fatigue. These effects inevitably lead to demoralization in leukaemia patients. For this reason, patients and their families should be informed about the disease, not that leukaemia is a hopeless disease, on the contrary, it should be explained that up to 90% recovery is achieved with good treatment and moral support. Since the immune system of leukaemia patients is weaker than that of normal healthy people, the slightest microbe or disease can spread throughout the body and cause severe febrile illnesses. For this reason, leukaemia patients wear masks in order not to get germs from the people around them, air, water and to protect themselves. Let's not forget, we should instil in the whole society that this disease can be cured and overcome with social and psychological support, in addition to its medical treatment, contrary to what is known in the society.

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